Training for the mind, body and soul

Frequently asked Questions

Why should I choose Taekwondo instead of any other martial arts?

Taekwondo is a unique martial arts form in the emphasis on beautiful and powerful kicks. Taekwondo and Karate (the Japanese martial arts) share many of the same roots, but Taekwondo martial artists train in sophisticated kicking techniques. It has also been in the Olympics since 1988 (vs 2021 for Karate). Taekwondo is a very dynamic and fulfilling martial arts form.

What will my child learn?

Children as young as 4 or 5 are invited to train with us. They will learn to have control over their emotions, their feelings, their bodies - and most importantly, to respect elders, their peers and others.

Children will have fun learning how to kick, fall with control, have the courage to spar and participate in competitions. This training is specially valuable for girls, building their self-confidence.

How long does it take to get a black belt?

Depending on how frequently you train, it can take between 3-5 years to get a black belt. If you train 5 days a week, then it will take a year or so :)!

How can I motivate myself or my child to continue?

Most students lose motivation within 6 months (or at the green belt level). This is because they think they know the basic blocks, kicks and forms. But this is when they need the most support and motivation! This is just the very first layer of the foundation!

Students should enter martial arts with the mindset of training for a marathon, where every training session helps build strength, stamina, agility, mindfulness and skill. And like GrandMaster Shin, we need to be open to learning - no matter the belt level!

Practically, if students are low on motivation, we recommend watching inspiring videos, movies and doing some fun training sessions with music and friends to increase the enthusiasm!

What is the connection between Martial Arts and Meditation?

A fundamental practice in meditation is to pay attention to one's breath. This reduces stress because our mind is fully occupied with paying attention to the breathing cycles. There is no room to think about worries. And this mental break helps reduce stress!

In Taekwondo we practice Poomsaes - a sequence of fighting movements that not only serve as a rehearsal for combat, but also increase athleticism, flexibility, balance and conditioning. Each Poomsae weaves together a story, a melody, a rhythm and has a unique beauty. As a result Poomsaes are a form of mental training and meditation - as you cannot think of anything else while you are practising the Poomsae. And as a result, you leave the dojang refreshed and rejuvenated.

Hwa Rang Creed

Through Hwa Rang I vow:

To develop my endurance, mind, body and soul;

To continuously perfect and never misuse my art;

To impart it to others and protect the weak;

To show respect and love for humanity;

To strive for a better world;

And to lead my life as an example of Hwa Rang pride.

Hwa Rang!

The Hwa Rang Kwan training consists of:

  • A foundational practice sequence of basic blocks, kicks, stances

  • 200-300 practice kicks in each training session, with emphasis on combinations of 5 kicks in succession

  • Poomsae training to develop strength, discipline, focus, mindfulness - improving basic technique, breathing, control, balance, coordination and concentration.